Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Hot Water, anyone?

I've served 52 days here at UES and I've still got minimal hot water, it takes about 10 minutes sometimes to get a hot shower going and full hot water blast, thereby wasting an insane amount of water that I of course have to pay for because UES couldn't be bothered. Anyone else out there have hot water? Can I please come and shower?

And I love that this problem has been occurring, since oh look: 2008!

Check out this other awesome Cape Town blog and their user comments...
http://www.urbansprout.co.za/a_green_upper_east_side_for_ct the banter from the agent is pretty entertaining as well, nice how it took her over a year to find it.

We not have added a page for the water specifically to here, if you're looking to find out the water temperature, you can click here for "The Water is..." and you can fill in the blanks, which I can tell you will more often than not be "Not Hot," enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Sunday afternoon: 6 minutes to get bearable, 14 minutes to get properly hot.

ENUF UES said...

thanks, I've posted a whole section on this now actually, you can send your time checks to that.