Gridco Builders in Lift

Yes, it's true, every day we have Builders in the Lift. There are signs clearly posted that say that they will receive a R1000 fine if they are caught, but we have never seen anyone issue a fine to them nor have they stopped, clearly no one has been cited for this. They make the lifts dirty from dust and leave trash in them, this in turn ends up in our flats. They make passes at female residents which is unprofessional and unacceptable. One resident even reported that a construction worker asked if he could take a look at his iPhone! Maybe someone from the Body Corporate should send Grid Internal Systems the official Building rules?

Last week, a security guard was seen swiping his access card to allow the builders access to whatever floor they liked! Some security! Nevermind they jam up the lift during the day, and evening, so that residents cannot use the lift and make us late. Not to mention, we've had only one lift for over a week now, even though the sign says "Routine Maintenance," so it's crucial that the residents be given access to their cars.

The main culprit we've seen has been Grid Internal Systems. There are other random builders not in uniform, somehow with unlimited access even after all the break-ins, but Grid Co is the main culprit. Why are they allowed to use the lift when the rules clearly say they cannot?